Friday, January 14, 2011


What an interesting day it has been. Disappointing and good, at the same time.

I had hoped to go back to work at the end of this month, and now it will be postponed. I have to have another procedure done. And it can't be done until the first part of February.

So, I will wait to go back to work.

To get my mind off of it, we went to the mall in another town. Specifically, I wanted to see their Kohl's. It's a lovely, clean store. And it wasn't crowded, either.

We went to another discount store, in the same mall, just to look around. As we walked in, arm-in-arm, a woman looked at us and smiled a warm smile.

I have gotten used to that. It has happened a lot since he came to live with me: we go somewhere, and people smile at us. Young folks, too. Young men open doors for us, or move out of our way, saying “excuse me” as they move.

I have wondered why....

And now, I know: the lady today? She smiled, and said to us “you just look so sweet!” I couldn't think of anything to say except “thank you” as we walked by her.

And I smiled, too. It's nice to know that we leave that impression on others, isn't it? Wouldn't we all like to be appreciated that way?

It helped me get past the disappointment at the doctor's office. I know that, what needs to be, needs to be. I can't fix it by myself. I have to go with the treatment he prescribes. And the time line that has to be.

But, when all is said and done, it's okay. Why?

We're sweet!


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