Friday, November 26, 2010

Sunny Today....

It's a beautiful, sunlit morning full of hope and promise. It's very cold outside but inside the house, all is warm and cozy. What plans today? What needs to be done? Anything?

Of course, there are always things that need to be done. That's part of maintaining a household. But what really, truly has to be done today? If we want to go to the snow, or travel to the beach, would it matter if those things get done, or not?

Setting priorities allows me to take back parts of the day that would otherwise be owned by others. Today is mine and I will share only small parts of it with the things I have to do.

I will think kind thoughts about those who are important to me and I will find forgiveness for those who are not. I will close the door on the negativity of the past few months.

I will remember that every ending is a new beginning.

Today is mine, and I will seize it!

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