Wednesday, January 19, 2011


It's cold and gray and drizzling here. It has been for days. Other than a jaunt up to the mountains, I haven't seen the sun in about a million years. Maybe a little less. Maybe more.

I'm trying to stay busy and stop looking outside. It's the same every time I look, so why bother?

It's just that time of year. The sky is gray and so is life, sort of. The holidays are over and it's a long time until bar-be-que season. Taxes are due in just a little less than three months. I should be getting everything together to take to my CPA but, of course, I don't want to.

The house needs airing out. I want the sun to shine so I can throw open the windows and let the fresh air in. I have burned candles, almost every day, to rid the house of cooking odors, but it's not the same as fresh air.

And then, I have to stop and remember: I cautioned a friend not to wish her life away. She was lamenting that winter was getting her down and she yearns for spring to get here.

Another friend told me yesterday that this year is a “bad” one, for her. Less than three weeks into the new year, and she's already decided it's a bad year? Oh dear. That's awful.

Today is today. Cold, gray, and not exactly bright and hopeful. But it is a day. The only day I have, right now. And it's mine to do with as I choose.

I choose to be happy. I choose to look around me and find the joy in today. I choose to be grateful for the people in my life, the work that I do, and the life that I lead. I choose to be thankful that, when I go shopping, there is a hand holding mine. Someone to help me choose the groceries and then carry them in the house. Someone to talk to when I have nothing to say.

And tonight, we will eat grilled cheese sandwiches and baked beans, then watch the first episode of American Idol. Together.

And it will be dark. Not gray and cloudy. Or sunny and bright. Just dark.

And tomorrow is another day....


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